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Need a New Home to Accommodate Your New Business? Consider These Tips.

Mary Ellen Vanaken

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Jul 23 4 minutes read

Now that working remotely has become the norm, everyone is looking for the chance to make money from the comfort of their home. If you are looking to start your own business, then this is the opportunity to become financially independent. While you may begin as a one-person operation, growing your business may mean the need for more workspace, and getting that space may require a change of scenery. Let's talk about how to start a business from home and what you need to do if a new residence is required.

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What You’ll Need to Start Your Business at Home

To officially start an at-home business, you need a bright idea, a marketing plan, and potentially a business license. Depending on your career goals, you may want to supplement your business launch by earning a degree on the side. For instance, you may want to get an accounting degree to help you manage your finances.

Beyond all that, one of the most important items you will need is space. If your company creates new products, you will need a place to build. Consulting businesses will need space for visiting clients. Does the home you have right now provide the space you need? 

If you are working from your kitchen or living room or you can’t otherwise separate your business from the family, it may be time to move.

Finding a New Home and Office

When looking for a new home, you’ll want to think about your business now and in the future. If your company succeeds, you may need more space, so you’ll want to look for a residence that can allow room for growth. You will also want to consider the location of the new home and ensure that the services you require are in close proximity.  

For instance, if you’ll need to ship packages, then you will want to be near a mail delivery location. If you are marketing to a particular demographic, you may want to move toward that community for marketing purposes. 

If you are serious about your home business, then the best option may be to have a house custom-built so it can be perfectly molded to your needs. You’ll only want to do the job once, so take the time to research the right contractor and ensure that you have all proper permits. You’ll want to consider the cost and future payments for the home and verify that your new business will provide the funds you require.

Tips for Moving

Whether you decide to move into a custom home or a pre-built property, you’ll want to make the process as easy as possible so you can continue your work as you relocate. Take the time to go room by room and pack when you can. If money is coming in and you just don’t have the time, it may be a good idea to hire professional movers to do the heavy lifting.

As you move, keep track of your office set up (photos help) so you know to hook everything up again easily at the new place. Before bringing everything over, consider painting the new room and putting up any wall decorations or art that you like.

As a side note, you’ll want to complete some research to see how your new location will affect your taxes. Some areas have different rates, and you don’t want to be surprised come tax time and not have the income to pay your bill. 

Although it may take some effort, making a move to support your growing business may set you up for success. Follow the tips above and make the transition as seamless as possible.

Article Via Megan Cooper with RealLifeHome.Net. Image Via Pinterest.

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