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Empty Nesters: How to Downsize After the Kids Leave the House

Mary Ellen Vanaken

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

May 21 4 minutes read

Empty Nesters: How to Downsize After the Kids Leave the House

Empty nesters often wonder what to do with their large, newly-empty home once their children move out. For many people, the solution is downsizing. It’s no wonder: downsizing has many benefits, not least of which is saving money they’d normally put into their spacious home. In order to make the move as painless as possible, there are some important actions to take. This guide from the Mary Ellen Vanaken Team discusses the benefits of downsizing and how to simplify the experience.


Benefits of downsizing

Downsizing is loaded with wonderful benefits, and the mantra is typically, “less is more.” For one thing, less house means less cleaning and fewer repairs. You won’t have as many floors to mop and sweep, and will have less yard to mow if you play your cards right. One of the biggest pros of downsizing is how much you’ll end up saving in the long run. From monthly bills to ongoing maintenance and repairs, there are many hidden costs of homeownership.

Financial benefits of downsizing 

How to save on your rent or mortgage after downsizing


How to downsize your belongings

Beyond the house itself, another benefit of living a pared-down life is having less stuff to take care of. Before moving into a smaller space, go through your belongings and decide what to part with. This process can feel daunting, especially if you have a great deal of sentimental items to sort, but many people feel much freer when they finish the task. 


What to get rid of when you’re downsizing 

What are good processes for decluttering a house? 

How to part with sentimental items


How to find the right home

Moving to a new home takes a lot of thought and planning. It’s no different when it comes to downsizing, whether you plan to stay in your new home for the short or long term. These resources will help you determine where your next stop should be.


Should I buy or rent when I’m downsizing?

Your expert real estate agent can help you find the perfect Atlanta  neighborhood.


How to prepare your current home to sell

Since the funds you earn from selling your current home will be an important factor in how much you can spend on your new abode, it will be critical to earn as much as you can in the sale. Even if you don’t need to make any large-scale renovations, a few DIY projects can help set your home apart from others on the market. Done correctly, you not only improve your home’s value, you can have fun in the process! 


DIY projects that will help me sell my home faster 

What paint colors will help sell my house 

Try contact wallpaper that’s unique and easy to install

How to give my home curb appeal without digging deep into my wallet


If your children have flown the coop and you’re planning your next step, downsizing might be worth considering. Weigh the pros and cons of living more minimally, and you’ll be able to decide if this is the best move for you.

Article by Jackie Waters with hyper tidy.

Image via Pinterest.

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