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7 Reasons to List During the Holidays

Mary Ellen Vanaken

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Jan 29 1 minutes read

1. Relocation buyers are out there. Many companies are still hiring throughout the holidays and need their employees in their new positions as soon as possible.

2. Purchasers who are looking for homes during the holidays are serious buyers and are ready to buy now.

3. You can restrict the showings on your home to the times you want it shown. You will remain in control.

4. Homes show better when decorated for the holidays.

5. There is less competition for you as a seller right now.

6. The desire to own a home doesn’t stop when the holidays come. Buyers who were unable to find their dream home during the busy spring and summer months are still searching!

7. The supply of listings increases substantially after the holidays. Also, new construction will continue to surge reaching new heights in 2018, which will lessen the demand for your house.

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